Tuning Task

QPTune includes a panel called Tuning Tasks that displays existing tuning tasks on every qualifying server. A Wizard guides you through QPTune’s tuning cycle. The definition of a tuning task is stored on the client machine where ASEP runs, and may only be accessed on that machine.

QPTune includes several stages in the tuning cycle for applications or queries. For more information on QPTune’s cycle for application or query tuning, see “Using QPTune to tune queries or applications”.

To create a new tuning task for a server:

Alternately, you can bring up the Wizard using the “Tuning Task” creation button that is provided on the toolbar.

NoteYou must have sa_role and sso_role to use the menu item and the creation toolbar button.

The QPTune wizard includes these screens corresponding to the different stages in tuning the Adaptive Server: