Wrapping counter datatypes

Some columns in the monitoring tables contain integer counter values that are incremented throughout the life of Adaptive Server. Once a counter reaches the highest value possible (2,147,483,647), it is reset to 0, which is called “wrapping.”

Because of the potential for wrapping, the values of some columns in the monitoring tables may not reflect the total accumulated value since the server started. To effectively use this column data, calculate the difference in counter values over specific time periods and use the result of this sample instead of the cumulative value. For example, use the difference between the current value and the value 10 minutes earlier instead of the current value.

The values of different counters tend to increase at different rates. For example, on a busy system, the LogicalReads column in the monDataCache table increases rapidly. Use monTables to identify counters that are likely to wrap; a value of 1 or 3 in the monTableColumns.Indicators specifies columns that are prone to wrapping. A server’s behavior depends on load and application activity , and the Indicator column provides a general guideline; review your server’s data to identify counters that tend to wrap.

To display a list of columns that are counters, execute:

select TableName, ColumnName
from master..monTableColumns
where (Indicators & 1) = 1