Querying systabstats for forwarded rows

The forwrowcnt column in the systabstats table stores the number of forwarded rows for a table. To display the number of forwarded rows and average row size for all user tables with object IDs greater than 100, use this query:

select objectname = object_name(id),
    partitionname = (select name from syspartitions p
      where p.id = t.id and p.indid = t.indid)
  , forwrowcnt, datarowsize
  , exprowsize = (select i.exp_rowsize from sysindexes i
     where i.id = t.id and i.indid = t.indid)
into #temptable
from systabstats t
where id > 100 and indid IN (0,1)

exec sp_autoformat #temptable

NoteForwarded row counts are updated in memory, and the housekeeper tasks periodically flushes them to disk.

Query the systabstats table using SQL, use sp_flushstats first to ensure that the most recent statistics are available. optdiag flushes statistics to disk before displaying values.