Dropping the master device from tempdb segments

By default, the system, default, and logsegment segments for tempdb include its 4MB allocation on the master device. When you allocate new devices to tempdb, they automatically become part of all three segments unless you add them as dedicated data or log. Once you allocate a second device to tempdb, you can drop the master device from the default, system, and logsegment segments. This way, you can be sure that the worktables and other temporary tables in tempdb do not contend with other uses on the master device.

To drop the master device from the segments:

  1. Alter tempdb onto another device, if you have not already done so. For example:

    alter database tempdb on tune3 = 20
  2. Issue a use tempdb command, and then drop the master device from the segments:

    sp_dropsegment "default", tempdb, master
    sp_dropsegment "system", tempdb, master 
    sp_dropsegment "logsegment", tempdb, master 
  3. To verify the segments no longer include the master device, issue this command against the master database:

    select dbid, name, segmap
    from sysusages, sysdevices
    where sysdevices.vdevno= sysusages.vdevno
    and dbid = 2
    and (status&2=2 or status&3=3))

    The segmap column should report “0” for any allocations on the master device, indicating that no segment allocations exist:

     dbid   name            segmap      
     ------ --------------- ----------- 
          2          master           0
          2           tune3           7

    Alternatively, issue:

    use tempdb
    sp_helpdb 'tempdb'
    device_fragments     size      usage             created   free kbytes
    -----------------   ------   ----------  -----------------  ----------
    master              4.0 MB   data only     Feb 7 2008 2:18AM      2376
    tune3               20.0 MB  data and log May 16 2008 1:55PM     16212
    device    segment
    --------- -----------------------------
    master    -- unused by any segments --
    tune3                         default
    tune3                      logsegment
    tune3                           system