Calculate the number of non-leaf pages



(2016 / Size of non-leaf row) - 2


No. of non-leaf index rows per page

(2016 / 40) - 2 = 48

If the number of leaf pages from step 8 is greater than 1, repeat the following division step, using the quotient as the next dividend, until the quotient equals 1, which means that you have reached the root level of the index:


No. of index pages at previous level


No. of non-leaf index rows per page


No. of index pages at next level


160715 / 48 = 3349

Index pages, level 1

3349 / 48 = 70

Index pages, level 2

70 / 48 = 2

Index pages, level 3

2 / 48 = 1

Index page, level 4 (root level)