Collects statistics on the buffer caches for a Sybase IQ database.


[ INTO ] table-nameSTART MONITOR ['monitor-options']




START MONITOR starts the IQ buffer cache monitor. For START and STOP MONITOR, the table_name is a dummy table. You can specify any IQ base or temporary table, although it is best to have a table that you use only for monitoring. Results go to a text file, dbname.connection#-main-iqmon for MAIN buffer cache results, or dbname.connection#-temp-iqmon for PRIVATE (Temp) buffer cache results. Running the monitor again from the same database and connection number overwrites previous results. To set the directory location of the monitor output file, set the MONITOR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY option.

The monitor-options define the content and frequency of results. You can specify more than one, and they must be enclosed with quotation marks.

  • -summary displays summary information for both the main and temp (private) buffer caches. This option is the default.

  • -append | -truncate appends to the existing output file or truncates the existing output file, respectively. Truncate is the default.

  • -bufalloc displays information on the main or temp buffer allocator, which reserves space in the buffer cache for objects like sorts, hashes, and bitmaps.

  • -cache displays main or temp buffer cache activity in detail.

  • -cache_by_type displays main or temp buffer cache activity details by IQ page type. This format is used mainly to supply information to Sybase Technical Support.

  • -contention displays many key buffer cache and memory manager locks.

  • -debug displays all the information that is available to the performance monitor, whether or not there is a standard display mode that covers the same information. This option is used mainly to supply information to Sybase Technical Support.

  • -file_suffix suffix creates a monitor output file named <dbname>.<connid>-<main_or_temp>-<suffix>. The default is iqmon.

  • -io displays main or temp buffer cache I/O rates and data compression ratios.

  • -interval specifies the reporting interval in seconds. The default is every 60 seconds. The minimum is every 2 seconds.

  • -threads displays information about processing threads.

See also
  • Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures > System Procedures > System Stored Procedures > sp_iqsysmon Procedure
  • Performance and Tuning Guide > Monitoring and Tuning Performance for examples of monitor results
  • System Administration Guide: Volume 2 > Using Procedures and Batches for advanced use of IQ UTILITIES to create procedures that extend the functionality of Sybase IQ system stored procedures


  • SQL—Vendor extension to ISO/ANSI SQL grammar.

  • Sybase—Not supported in Adaptive Server Enterprise.



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