Listing available connection profiles

Use the admin show_connection_profiles command to list the profile name, version, and comments for each profile defined in Replication Server.


admin show_connection_profiles[, “match_string”]

Use the match_string option to display only the connection profiles whose names contain the string you provide in the option.


Example 1 Lists the names of all connection profiles currently defined in Replication Server:

admin show_connection_profiles

Extract of output is:

Profile Name              Version     Comments
------------              -------     --------
rs_ase_to_db2             Standard    Standard ASE to DB2 replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_ase_to_udb             Standard    Standard ASE to DB2 replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_db2_to_ase             Standard    Standard DB2 to ASE replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_db2_to_msss            Standard    Standard DB2 to Microsoft SQLServer
                                      connection profile.

There is a connection profile for each primary and replicate database combination, such as Adaptive Server and Oracle, Oracle and Adaptive Server, and IBM DB2 and /Microsoft SQL Server, and so on.

See “admin show_connection_profiles,” in Chapter 3, “Replication Server Commands” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for the list of connection profiles.

Example 2 Lists the names of all connection profiles currently defined in Replication Server that have the string “oracle” in the connection profile name:

admin show_connection_profiles, “oracle”

Output is:

Profile Name              Version     Comments
------------              -------     --------
rs_ase_to_oracle          Standard    Standard ASE to Oracle replication
                                      connection profile.