Using connection profiles

Use the using profile clause with the create connection command to create a connection between a non-ASE database and Adaptive Server using a connection profile.


Here is a portion of the create connection syntax that shows the using profile and display_only clauses:

create connection to data_server.database
using profile connection_profile[;version]
set username [to] user



Example 1 Creates a connection to an Oracle replicate database:

create connection to oracle.instance
using profile rs_ase_to_oracle
set username to ora_maint
set password to ora_maint_pwd

Example 2 Creates a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server replicate database that is also a primary database. In this example, the command replaces any error class setting provided by the connection profile with another error class—my_msss_error_class:

create connection to msss_server.msss_db
using profile rs_ase_to_msss
set username to msss_maint
set password to msss_maint_pwd
set error class to my_msss_error_class
with log transfer on

Example 3 Creates a connection to a DB2 replicate database using a specific version of the profile—v9_1. In this example, the command overrides the command batch size provided by the connection profile with a new value—16384:

create connection to db2.subsys
using profile rs_ase_to_db2;v9_1
set username to db2_maint
set password to db2_maint_pwd
set dsi_cmd_batch_size to ‘16384’

Example 4 Use the display_only option to show the commands that will be executed if you use a particular profile. The commands and the command output display on your screen and are also written to the Replication Server log:

create connection to oracle.instance
using profile rs_ase_to_oracle
set username to ora_maint
set password to ora_maint_pwd