Starting and stopping Backup Servers

sybcluster and the Adaptive Server plug-in automatically start Backup Servers when you use these utilities to create them. See the Utility Guide for information about starting and stopping Backup Servers with sybcluster. See the online help for information about Starting Backup Server with the Adaptive Server plug-in.

Start Backup Servers manually with the startserver command. The startserver command requires the Backup Server to have a runserver file. This starts the MOUSE_BS Backup Server:

startserver -f RUN_MOUSE_BS

See the Utility Guide for more information about the startserver command. See Chapter 2, “Starting and Stopping Servers,” in the Configuration Guide for information about the runserver file.

Use the shutdown server_name command to shut down any Backup Server. For example:

shutdown MOUSE_BS

Shutdown all active Backup Servers by specifying the SYB_BACKUP Backup Server:

shutdown SYB_BACKUP