Viewing workload status of an instance

The workload status is based on the load profile associated with the instance. The status displays raw values that indicate how taxed an instance is with regard to each metric area.

To view the workload status:

  1. Click the Server Instances folder to display a list of instances in the right pane.

  2. Right-click an instance name and select Workload Status. The workload status displays raw values indicating the amount of work each instance is performing for each metric area.

    • User connections – the capacity of an instance to accept a new connection, based on resource availability.

    • CPU busy - a measurement of how busy the engines are, and provides the same information as sp_sysmon. Determines an instance’s capacity to accept additional work. This is measured as a one-minute moving average.

    • Run-queue length – the number of runnable tasks on a system. Run-queue length measures the processing backlog, and is a good indicator of relative response time. This is measured as a one-minute moving average.

    • IO load – measures outstanding asynchronous I/Os, which indicates the relative IO saturation between instances. This is measured as a one-minute moving average.

    • Engine Deficit – measures the difference in online engines between instances. In a cluster where all the instances have the same number of engines, there is no engine deficit. However, in a two-instance cluster where, for example, “instance1” has four engines and “instance2” has two engines, “instance1” has no engine deficit but “instance2” has a 50% deficit because it has half as many engines as “instance1.”

    • User – the weighted value of a metric you specified with the workload_metric function.

      NoteBecause each instance can be included in multiple logical clusters, each instance will have one set of metric values for each logical cluster it is member to.