Group properties

Right-click the group name and select Properties. Sybase Central displays the Bindings and Databases panes.

Databases pane

The Databases pane displays all current temporary databases in the group.

To add a temporary database to the group:

  1. Select Add.

  2. From the Add Temporary Database screen, select the name of the temporary database you want to add.

  3. Click OK.

To remove a temporary database from the group:

  1. Select the temporary database name.

  2. Select Remove.

  3. Click Yes.

Bindings pane

The Bindings pane displays the application and login bindings for the current group.

Binding a new application.

  1. Select Bind Application.

  2. Enter the application name and Click OK.

Binding a login.

  1. Select Bind Login.

  2. From the New Login Binding screen, select the login you want to bind.

  3. Click OK.

Removing a currently bound application or login.

  1. Select the application or login name.

  2. Select Unbind.

  3. Click Yes to confirm.

You can bind applications or logins to temporary databases or temporary database groups.

Viewing the current bindings.

  1. Right-click the temporary database or temporary database group.

  2. Select the Bindings tab. The Adaptive Server plug-in lists your current bindings.

Unbinding a login or application.

  1. Select the login or application from the list.

  2. Click Unbind.

  3. Select Yes to confirm.

Unbinding all logins and applications.

  1. Click Unbind All.

  2. Select Yes to confirm.