Configuration tab

In the Cluster Creation Wizard, each instance uses the same server configuration file (server_name.cfg) to determine its configuration. By default, all instances in the cluster use the cluster_name.cfg file for cluster configuration. However, you can specify a different configuration file for when you configure the instance, allowing you to set different configuration values for different instances.

You can use the Configuration panel for clusters and instances.

To view the current configuration settings, right-click the cluster or instance name and select Configure. You can also select Properties and then select the Configuration panel.

For details about configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide. For a discussion of configuration issues to consider when determining optimal settings, see the Performance and Tuning Guide: Basics.The following rules govern who can set configuration parameters:

Parameters that require restart

Some configuration parameter values are dynamic, which means the parameter takes effect as soon as you reset the value. Others do not change until you restart the cluster (these are called static parameters). The Adaptive Server plug-in indicates whether the parameter requires a restart when you select the parameter name.

Dropping instance-specific configuration parameters

The Configuration panel for a clustered instance includes a Drop button, which is enabled only for instance-level configuration values, and does not appear on the cluster configuration property tab. Dropping a parameter means you drop it as an instance-specific setting independent of the cluster-wide value.

Drop is disabled until you change a value and select Apply. The next time you select this configuration parameter, Drop is enabled, and you can select it to drop the configuration parameter.

Setting configuration parameters

The Cluster Edition includes global and instance configuration parameters. Global configuration parameters affect the entire cluster, while instance configuration parameters affect only the instance on which they are set. To set global configuration parameters, open the Configuration tab for the cluster and select the name of the cluster, then select the configuration parameters to reset.

By default, instances use the global configuration values unless an instance setting overrides them.

StepsSetting configuration parameters for an instance

  1. Right-click the instance name you want to configure.

  2. Select Configure (or select File | Properties, then click the Configuration tab).

  3. Select the functional group to display, or select “All.”

  4. Select the parameter you want to update. For a brief description of the selected parameter, read the Explanation box.

  5. Enter the new value in the Value column of the table.

  6. Click OK (or Apply if you are changing multiple configuration values).

    • If the parameter takes effect immediately, it is listed in the Value column.

    • If the parameter requires you to restart Adaptive Server, it is listed in the Pending Value column.