Configuring a client migration

The idle migration timer and session idle timer configuration parameters control when idle clients migrate. The sum of these two parameters determines the upper limit for the number of seconds during which migration is expected to complete.

The default setting for idle migration timer is 60, measured in seconds. The default setting for session idle timer is 600, measured in seconds.

If you set idle migration timer to 0, the instance closes the connection on which a migration request was issued immediately after it sends the migration request. If you set session idle timer to 0, the instance invalidates any idle migration not completed before idle migration timer expires.

Setting session idle timer to a high value increases the chance for idle connections to migrate successfully. However, the instance must preserve the contexts of the migrating clients for a long time. It also means that setting both idle migration timer and session idle timer to 0 disables migration. See the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.

The examples below describe various configurations for idle migration timer and session idle timer.

Both parameters set to the default

idle migration timer set to 0, session idle timer set to 600

If an instance issues a migration request against a idle, non-read-ahead client, the instance closes the connection to the client immediately after sending the migration request. If a command is issued against the client during the initial 600 seconds, the client migrates successfully, otherwise, it fails in the same manner described in the previous bullet.

idle migration timer set to 60, session idle timer set to 0

The instance issues a migration request against an idle, non-read-ahead client. If a command is issued against the client before idle migration timer expires, the client migrates successfully. However, if no command is issued before idle migration timer expires, the client can migrate, since session idle timer is set to 0.

idle migration timer and session idle timer set to 0

If both parameters are set to 0, neither instance migrates clients.