Reinitializing private devices using disk reinit

As part of the procedure for restoring the master database, use disk reinit to restore the private device entries in the master database sysdevices table. disk reinit includes the optional instance parameter, which marks a device as private to an instance.

This example restores the private_dev1 device as a private device for the instance cluster1_1 in the master database sysdevices table:

disk reinit
name = "private_dev1"
physname = "/usr/u/sybase/data/private_dev1.dat"
vdevno = 2, size = 5120, instance = "cluster1_1"

You can execute this command from any instance in the cluster. If the owning instance is up and running, the command is shipped to it.

If the owning instance is not up and running, disk reinit inserts a row in sysdevices, corresponding to the device, but does not activate it until the instance is running. This is useful when devices must be restored before issuing disk refit.

NoteTake extra care regarding the parameters you pass when you restore a private device for an instance that is not running. Adaptive Server cannot verify the physical path of a private device in such cases; it is assumed that the user provides a valid physical path.