Starting sybcluster

Start sybcluster from the command line. The simplest way is to enter:

sybcluster -U uafadmin -P

“uafadmin” is the default user name, and the default password is null or blank. You can also use authenticated Adaptive Server database user names and operating system user names. See “Authenticating the user”.

You can also start sybcluster and, at the same time, specify a cluster, identify a default instance, and connect to the Unified Agents on one or more nodes in the cluster. For example:

sybcluster -U uafadmin -P -C mycluster -I ase1
-F "blade1:9999,blade2:9999,blade3:9999"

In this example, the -F option identifies the node and listening port for each Unified Agent in the cluster. If you use this command often, you can create a simple alias for it. For example:
