Identifying the Unified Agents

You can identify the Unified Agents using a direct connect or discovery method either when you start sybcluster or later using the connect to interactive command.

NoteIf the cluster is running when you connect to it, you normally need to identify only one Unified Agent on one node in the cluster. To start the cluster or XP Server, however, you must identify the agent on each node in the cluster. sybcluster always prompts you when additional information is required.

If you do not know the Unified Agent specifications for a cluster, use the sybcluster show agents command to discover available Unified Agents and clusters on your subnet.

Using a direct connect method

You can connect directly to one or more agents by specifying the cluster node and port numbers for the Unified Agents responsible for managing the cluster. Some possible agent specifications are:

Using a discovery method

sybcluster supports these three discovery methods that locate the agents and the discovery order:

To look up the location of Unified Agents for “mycluster” using all three discovery methods, enter:

sybcluster -U uafadmin -P -C mycluster
-d "udp(),jini(myjiniserver:4123),