Changing user names or passwords

sybcluster is a client program that connects to a Unified Agent that is configured to run the cluster. When you start sybcluster, you provide a login and password that enables sybcluster to log in to the Unified Agent. To change the value of the Unified Agent login or password, use the Agent Management Console Sybase Central plug-in. To encrypt the password, see “Setting the user name and password”.

For some operations, the Unified Agent must log in to the cluster. This occurs when sybcluster or Sybase Central issues a shutdown command or when the Unified Agent performs cluster heartbeat tasks to determine cluster status. For these tasks, the Unified Agent must use a login with sa_role. By default, the Unified Agent uses the “sa” login with no password. To change this password, use the sybcluster set cluster login command.

For example, to change the password for the “sa” login to “newpassword”, enter:

set cluster login sa password newpassword

The cluster must be running to perform this command.

See the Utility Guide for complete syntax and usage information.