Using LDAP directory services with the shared-disk cluster

The Cluster Edition can use LDAP directory services to specify its cluster and instance entries. You must specify an empty string for the interface_dir attribute in the cluster’s quorum file. Do not use the dataserver parameter -i interfaces_path to specify the path to the interfaces file.

If you do not specify a value for interface_dir, the Cluster Edition uses the ordered list of directory services defined in the $SYBASE/OCS-15_0/config/libtcl64.cfg (for 64-bit servers and clients), or $SYBASE/OCS-15_0/config/libtcl.cfg (for 32-bit servers and clients). After the server searches the directory services defined in libtcl64.cfg, the interfaces file in the default location is searched.

Open Client applications can use LDAP directory service to store cluster and instance server entries. For example, for a cluster named “mycluster” with two instances (“ase1” and “ase2”), the interfaces looks like:

ase1     master tcp ether blade1 10945
     query tcp ether blade1 10945
ase2      master tcp ether blade2  10955
     query tcp ether blade2  10955
mycluster      query tcp ether blade1 10945
     query tcp ether blade2 10955

You must use dsedit or dscp to add equivalent LDAP directory service entries for the server names “ase”, “ase2”, and “mycluster” to the LDAP directory service. See “Adding a server to the directory services”. For more information about dsedit and dscp, see the Utility Guide.

Clients can connect to any instance in the cluster using the cluster name (in this example, “mycluster”) or an instance-specific server name (“ase1” or “ase2”).

When SSL is used for clients to connect to a nonclustered Adaptive Server using SSL, the SSL filter is placed after the port number in the interfaces file. The directory service includes the common name, which you added with dsedit or from hand-editing. Typically, one SSL certificate with one common name is used for the entire cluster, rather than one for each instance. See “Using SSL in a clustered environment”.

This example adds the SSL filter to an interfaces file entry for the cluster “mycluster:”


	query tcp ether blade1 10945 ssl=""
	query tcp ether blade2 10955 ssl=""

Entries added to an LDAP directory service must specify the common name with the SSL filter, ssl="".

For example, this dscp session adds the example entry above for cluster “mycluster:”

%  dscp

>> open ldap


Session 1 ldap>> add mycluster
Service: [ASE] 
Transport Type: [tcp] 
Transport Address: blade1 10945 ssl=""
Transport Type: [tcp] 
Transport Address: blade2 10955 ssl=""
Transport Type: [tcp] 
Transport Address: 
Security Mechanism [] : 
HA Failoverserver: 
Retry Count: 
Retry Delay: 
Added mycluster

Session 1 ldap>> read mycluster

DIT base for object:  dc=domain,dc=com
Distinguish name: sybaseServername=mycluster, dc=domain,dc=com
Server Entry Version: 15001
Server Name: mycluster
Server Service: ASE
Server Status: 4 (Unknown)
Server Address: 
Transport Type: tcp
Transport Address: yellowstar 2521 ssl=""
Transport Type: tcp
Transport Address: yellowstar 2525 ssl=""

Session 1 ldap>> quit