Specifying join order for queries using views

You can use abstract plans to enforce the join order for merged views. This example creates a view that performs a join of t2 and t3:

create view v2 
select * 
from t2, t3
where c22 = c32

This query performs a join with the t2 in the view:

select * from t1, v2
where c11 = c21 
    and c22 = 0

This abstract plan specifies the join order t2, t1, t3:

    (scan t2)
    (scan t1)
    (scan t3)

Since the table names are not ambiguous, the view qualification is not needed. However, the following abstract plan is also legal and has the same meaning:

     (scan (table t2(in(view v2))))
     (scan t1)
     (scan (table t3 (in (view v2))))

This example joins with t3 in the view:

select * from t1, v2
where c11 = c31 
    and c32 = 100

This plan uses the join order t3, t1, t2:

    (scan t3)
    (scan t1)
    (scan t2)

This is an example where abstract plans can be used, if needed, to affect the join order for a query, when set forceplan cannot.