Sample stored procedure with a cursor

This procedure performs the same changes to the underlying table as the procedure written without a cursor, but it uses cursors instead of set-oriented programming. As each row is fetched, examined, and updated, a lock is held on the appropriate data page. Also, as the comments indicate, each update commits as it is made, since there is no explicit transaction.

/* Same as previous example, this time using a 
** cursor. Each update commits as it is made.
create procedure increase_price_cursor
declare @price money

/* declare a cursor for the select from titles */
declare curs cursor for 
    select price 
    from titles 
    for update of price

/* open the cursor */
open curs

/* fetch the first row */
fetch curs into @price

/* now loop, processing all the rows
** @@sqlstatus = 0 means successful fetch
** @@sqlstatus = 1 means error on previous fetch
** @@sqlstatus = 2 means end of result set reached
while (@@sqlstatus != 2)
    /* check for errors */
    if (@@sqlstatus = 1)
        print "Error in increase_price"
    /* next adjust the price according to the 
    ** criteria 
    if @price > $60
    select @price = @price * 1.05
    if @price > $30 and @price <= $60
    select @price = @price * 1.10
    if @price <= $30 
    select @price = @price * 1.20

    /* now, update the row */
    update titles
    set price = @price
    where current of curs
    /* fetch the next row */
    fetch curs into @price

/* close the cursor and return */
close curs

Which procedure do you think will have better performance, one that performs three table scans or one that performs a single scan via a cursor?