Controlling large I/O and cache strategies

Status bits in the sysindexes table identify whether you should consider a table or an index for large I/O prefetch or for MRU replacement strategy. By default, both are enabled. To disable or reenable these strategies, use sp_cachestrategy:

sp_cachestrategy dbname , [ownername.]tablename 
      [, indexname | "text only" | "table only" 
      [, { prefetch | mru }, { "on" | "off"}]]

For example, to turn off the large I/O prefetch strategy for the au_name_index of the authors table, enter:

sp_cachestrategy pubtune, authors, au_name_index,
   prefetch, "off"

To reenable MRU replacement strategy for the titles table:

sp_cachestrategy pubtune, titles, "table only", 
   mru, "on"

Only a system administrator or the object owner can change or view the cache strategy status of an object.