Isolation levels and cursors

The query plan for a cursor is compiled and optimized when the cursor is opened. You cannot open a cursor and then use set transaction isolation level to change the isolation level at which the cursor operates.

Since cursors using isolation level 0 are compiled differently from those using other isolation levels, you cannot open a cursor at isolation level 0 and open or fetch from it at level 1 or 3. Similarly, you cannot open a cursor at level 1 or 3 and then fetch from it at level 0. Attempts to fetch from a cursor at an incompatible level result in an error message.

Once the cursor has been opened at a particular isolation level, you must deallocate the cursor before changing isolation levels. The effects of changing isolation levels while the cursor is open are as follows:

You can include an at isolation clause in the cursor to specify an isolation level. The cursor in the example below can be declared at level 1 and fetched from level 0 because the query plan is compatible with the isolation level:

declare cprice cursor for
select title_id, price
    from titles 
    where type = "business"
    at isolation read uncommitted