Displaying SQL text

set show_sqltext allows you to print the SQL text for ad-hoc queries, stored procedures, cursors, and dynamic prepared statements. You do not need to enable the set show_sqltext before you execute the query (as you do with commands like set showplan on) to collect diagnostic information for a SQL session. Instead you can enable it while the commands are running to help determine which query is performing poorly and diagnose their problems.

Before you enable show_sqltext, you must first enable dbcc traceon to display the output to standard out:

dbcc traceon(3604)

The syntax for set show_sqltext is:

set show_sqltext {on | off}

For example, this enables show_sqltext:

set show_sqltext on

Once set show_sqltext is enabled, Adaptive Server prints all SQL text to standard out for each command or system procedure you enter. Depending on the command or system procedure you run, this output can be extensive.

For example, if you run sp_who, Adaptive Server prints all SQL text associated with this system procedure (the output is abbreviated for space purposes):

2007/02/23 02:18:25.77
SQL Text: sp_who
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 0
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 20
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 22
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 25
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 27
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 30
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 55
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 64
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 0
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 165
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 167
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 177
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 188
. . . 
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 326
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 332
SQL Text: INSERT #colinfo_af(colid,colname,usertype,type,typename,collength,maxlength,autoformat,selected,selectorder,asname,mbyte) SELECT c.colid,c.name,t.usertype,t.type,t.name,case when c.length < 80 then 80 else c.length end,0,0,0,0,c.name,0 FROM tempdb.dbo.syscolumns c,tempdb.dbo.systypes t WHERE c.id=1949946031 AND c.usertype=t.usertype
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 333
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 334
. . . 
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 535
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 0
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 393
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 395
. . . 
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 686
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 688
SQL Text: UPDATE #colinfo_af SET maxlength=(SELECT isnull(max(isnull(char_length(convert(varchar(80),fid)),4)),1) FROM #who1result ), autoformat = 1, mbyte=case when usertype in (24, 25, 34, 35) then 1 else 0 end WHERE colname='fid'
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 689
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 690
. . .
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 815
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 818
SQL Text: SELECT fid=right(space(80)+isnull(convert(varchar(80),fid),'NULL'),3), spid=right(space(80)+isnull(convert(varchar(80),spid),'NULL'),4), status=SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(80),status),1,8), loginame=SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(80),loginame),1,8), origname=SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(80),origname),1,8), hostname=SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(80),hostname),1,8), blk_spid=right(space(80)+isnull(convert(varchar(80),blk_spid),'NULL'),8), dbname=SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(80),dbname),1,6), tempdbname=SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(80),tempdbname),1,10), cmd=SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(80),cmd),1,17), block_xloid=right(space(80)+isnull(convert(varchar(80),block_xloid),'NULL'),11) FROM #who1result  order by fid, spid, dbname

Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 819
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 820
Sproc: sp_autoformat, Line: 826
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 68
Sproc: sp_who, Line: 70
fid  spid  status   loginame     origname    hostname  blk_spid  dbname      tempdbnamecmd      block_xloid
---  ----  --------  --------   --------   --------  --------    -------------------------       -----------   
0    2     sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
0    3     sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
0    4     sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
0    5     sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
HK WASH            0
0    6     sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
HK GC           0
0    7     sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
HK CHORES          0
0    8     sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
0    9     sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
0    10    sleeping  NULL       NULL       NULL       0        master tempdb
0    1     running   sa         sa         echo       0        master tempdb
INSERT             0

(10 rows affected)
(return status = 0)

To disable show_sqltext, enter:

set show_sqltext off

Restrictions for show_sqltext