Messages 2549 through 2568

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
2549 Warning 01W20 129L "Plan may contain virtual indexes" Virtual indexes are currently enabled in this connection. Any plans that are generated may contain virtual indexes.

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2550 Error WX002 -888L "XML parser error: %1" An XML instance will only parse correctly if it is well-formed as defined by the XML 1.0 specification.

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2551 Error 42W79 -889L "Statement contains an illegal usage of the non-deterministic function '%1'" Non-deterministic functions cannot appear in a CHECK constraint, or any other type of integrity constraint. They may appear anywhere within a query, view, or derived table. However, if an aliased select list expression contains a non-determinstic function, that alias cannot be referred to elsewhere in the query.

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2552 Error WO002 -657L "Unable to connect, server definition is circular" You attempted to connect to a remote server that maps to the local database.

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2553 Error 54W01 -890L "Statement size or complexity exceeds server limits" The statement contains one or more constructs whose size make it impossible to process. Increasing the maximum cache size, page size, or stack size may resolve this error. Consider rewriting the query so that the internal limit is not exceeded. For example, if the query contains a large IN-list, consider inserting the IN-list's values into a temporary table. Then rewrite the query to join this temporary table to the other table(s) in the original statement.

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2554 Error WC008 -891L "Cannot convert between requested character sets '%1' and '%2'" The server is unable to convert between the two specified character sets. This could happen when the dbicu and dbicudt DLLs are not installed.

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2555 Error WX003 -892L "XPath parser error: %1" The XPath expression is illegal or uses features that are not currently supported.

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2556 Error WX004 -893L "Illegal flags value passed to OPENXML" The flags value passed to OPENXML as the third argument must be either 1 (attribute-centric mapping), or 2 (element-centric mapping).

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2557 Error 0AW14 -894L "Plan can not be generated for this type of statement" You tried to get the execution plan for a statement type that is not supported.

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2558 Error 08W66 -895L "Encryption error: %1" An error occurred during encryption.

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2559 Warning 01W21 130L "A row was dropped because it could not be converted to the new schema format" A row that was valid in the old schema is no longer valid. This could be because a column domain changed and the old value can not be cast to the new domain. Rows are also dropped if a uniqueness or foreign key constraint cannot be satisfied.

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2560 Error 42W82 -896L "Cannot delete PUBLIC option '%1' since user settings exist" You tried to delete a PUBLIC option, but there are user settings for the same option. The user settings must be deleted before the PUBLIC option is deleted.

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2561 Error WT034 -1512L "Text index with external prefilter cannot contain both binary and string columns" One or more but not all of the columns specified for the text index is of type binary, and the text configuration object has a prefilter library specified. Text indexes using a prefilter library are allowed to contain either binary columns or string data type columns, but not both.

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2562 Warning 01W23 132L "Cannot output the histogram for string column '%1'" You tried to get the histogram for a column containing strings. Histograms on string information cannot be output in a readable format; as a result, no information was retrieved. Consider using the ESTIMATE function to get information on a specific value or range in the column.

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2563 Error WX005 -897L "Illegal FOR XML EXPLICIT tag value: '%1'" FOR XML EXPLICIT tag values must be greater than 0 and less than 256. Also, NULL values are not allowed in the Tag column.

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2564 Error WX006 -898L "Unknown FOR XML EXPLICIT directive: '%1'" Legal FOR XML EXPLICIT directives are: id, idref, idrefs, hide, element, xml, cdata.

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2565 Error WX007 -899L "Illegal column name: '%1'" FOR XML EXPLICIT column names can consist of up to four fields separated by exclamation marks. The first two columns must be named Tag and Parent.

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2566 Error WX008 -900L "Parent not open: '%1'" FOR XML EXPLICIT requires the parent tag for a row to be opened when that row is read. Check the order of the rows returned by the query with the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause removed.

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2567 Error WX009 -901L "Undeclared tag ID: '%1'" Every value appearing in the Tag column of the table must be declared in the TagNumber field of at least one column name.

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2568 Error WX010 -902L "Too few columns" FOR XML EXPLICIT requires at least three columns: the tag column, the parent column, and one or more data columns.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created April 27, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: