Large Memory

The –iqlm startup parameter specifies the maximum amount of large memory that SAP Sybase IQ can dynamically request from the operating system.

Some load operations may require more large memory than the 2GB default provides. If memory requirements exceed the default, use the - iqlm startup option to increase the memory that SAP Sybase IQ can dynamically request from the OS. Set –iqlm as a switch as part of the command or configuration file that starts the server.

Large Memory Allocation

As a general rule, large memory requirements represent one third of the total available physical memory allocated to SAP Sybase IQ. To ensure adequate memory for the main and temporary IQ stores, set the –iqlm, –iqtc, and –iqmc startup parameters so that each parameter receives one third of all available physical memory allocated to SAP Sybase IQ.

In most cases, you should allocate 80% of total physical memory to SAP Sybase IQ to prevent SAP Sybase IQ processes from being swapped out. Adjust actual memory allocation to accommodate other processes running on the same system. For example, on a machine with 32 cores and 128GB of total available physical memory, you would allocate 100GB (approximately 80% of the 128GB total) to SAP Sybase IQ processes. Following the general rule, you would set the –iqlm, –iqtc,  and –iqmc parameters to 33GB each.

Related concepts
Server Memory
Required Memory
Cache Memory
IQ Page Size
Wired Memory