Cache Memory

Allocate as much memory as possible to the IQ main and temporary buffer caches for optimal performance. Change the defaults to accommodate loads, queries, and applications.

Default cache size for the main and temporary buffer caches is 64MB each. Cache size is controlled with the –iqmc (main cache) and –iqtc (temporary cache) server startup options. These startup options only remain in effect while the server is running, so you need to include them every time you restart the server.

Large memory requirements are one third of the total available physical memory allocated to SAP Sybase IQ. To ensure adequate memory for the main and temporary IQ stores, set the –iqlm, –iqmc, and –iqtc startup parameters so that each parameter receives one third of all available physical memory.

Related concepts
Server Memory
Required Memory
Large Memory
IQ Page Size
Wired Memory