Preparing the installation environment

Administrative privileges

To install SyBooks on Windows, you must have administrative privileges to run the InstallShield Wizard.

Temporary installation directory

During the installation process, the InstallShield Wizard temporarily uses a directory.

The temporary default directory is C:\temp.

If there is not enough space available in the default temporary location, the InstallShield Wizard might not start, or it might start, but notify you that sufficient space is not available.

Steps Providing additional temporary directory space

  1. Choose from the following:

    • Move or delete files to provide space on the default temporary directory.

    • For Windows, change the setting of the environment variable %TMP% to point to a location with sufficient space.

    • Launch the InstallShield Wizard using a different temporary directory. This is sometimes referred to as redirecting the temporary directory space. Verify that the alternate temporary directory exists before you start the installation.

Steps Redirecting the temporary directory space

  1. Navigate to the CD location and enter:

    setup -is:tempdir <full path to alternate tempdirectory>

    The installation begins as soon as you enter the command.