Schedule Properties window: General tab

This tab has the following components:

  • Name   Shows the name of the selected event schedule.

  • Type   Shows the type of object.

  • Event   Shows the name of the event the schedule is for.

  • Start time   Select one of the following options to specify when the event occurs.

  • At   Select this option to specify a specific scheduled time for each day the event is scheduled. If a Start Date is specified, the Start Time refers to that date. If you do not specify a Start Date, the Start Time is on the current day (unless that time has passed) and each subsequent day.

  • Between   A range of time during which the selected event is to occur. For example, the event may be scheduled to occur between 11 A.M. and 12 P.M. If you specify a Start Date, the scheduled times do not occur until that date.

  • Start date   The date on which the scheduled event starts occurring. The current date is the default. You can type the date in the text box or select the month, day, and year from the lists.

If the event is a non-recurring scheduled event, the start time must be in the future. An attempt to create a non-recurring scheduled event with a start time that has already passed generates an error.

 See also