How conversion configuration files are used

When clients and servers use different character sets, conversion between the character sets is necessary. Open Client and Open Server products include files to support conversions for each character set.

The conversion configuration file for a character set specifies the mode to use for the conversion and the replacement character to use for unmappable characters.

Table C-1 describes conversion modes:

Table C-1: Coded character set conversion modes




Shipped files contain this value.

The conversion process converts matching source and destination values.

If the code for a source character is illegal or unmappable, the conversion process uses the destination replacement character defined in the destination character set’s conversion configuration file.


The conversion process converts matching and best-guess source and destination values.

If the code for a source character is illegal or unmappable, the conversion process uses the destination replacement character defined in the destination character set’s conversion configuration file.


Converts matching source and destination values. If there is no match for a source value, the conversion process uses a Unicode mnemonic string as the destination value. If there is no suitable mnemonic string, the conversion process uses a Unicode hexadecimal string as the destination value.

If the code for a source character is illegal, the conversion process uses the destination replacement character defined in the destination character set’s conversion configuration file.

The Open Client and Open Server International Developer’s Guide contains a detailed description of the character set conversion process.