Task 4 – Start the MobiLink process and generate the MobiLink scripts

We will utilize command line parameters to configure the synchronization. This is done by executing ml.bat. The operable line in this batch file is:

dbmlsrv10 -c "uid=dba;pwd=sql;dsn=exesample" 
-x http(port=82) -o mlserver.mls -v+ 
-dl -za -zu+

Where the following parameters configure MobiLink:

  • The first set of parameters following -c ("uid=dba;pwd=sql;dsn=exesample") represent the ODBC connection to the consolidated database that will be used.

  • The -x parameter specifies the network protocol that MobiLink should listen to. TCP/IP is the default and with this command we instruct MobiLink to use HTTP listening to port 82. The default is port 80, but by default, the M-Business Sync Server binds to this port.

  • The mlserver.mls file is the MobiLink logging file to use.

  • The command line parameters -v+ -dl -za -zu+ create the MobiLink scripts for each column of the consolidated database for the data source name exesample. This is very convenient for rapidly mobilizing a database to the device.