Task 5 – Create the UltraLite schema file and copy to operating system-specific folder for binary download

The UltraLite schema file is necessary for MobiLink synchronization, and creating the UltraLite on-device database. This is created by executing the createpub.bat file. The key command within this batch file is:

-c "dsn=exesample;uid=dba;pwd=sql" 
-f ulexe.usm -n exeuser
  • This command generates the ulexe.usm file, which later needs to be retrieved to the device. By default, this script creates ulexe.usm in the same folder in which the script is executed. For purposes of simplicity in this example, copy this file to the web/WINCE_OS and web/WIN32_OS locations.

  • Binary download of the file is done by creating a device OS-specific ulpod.htm file for each device operating system and fetching an anchor href for AG_DEVICEOS/ulpod.htm. One could imagine copying this to a folder based on the M-Business user name and then using the AG_USERNAME macro capability to fetch the UltraLite schema specific to each user.