Customization  Datatypes

Chapter 2: Topics

DATAFMT structure


A DATAFMT (data format) structure is used to describe data values and program variables. For example:

Most functions use only a subset of the fields in a DATAFMT structure. For example, ct_bind does not use the name, status, and usertype fields, and ct_describe does not use the format field. For information on which DATAFMT fields a function uses, see Table 2-3 in this chapter, or reference the desired function in Chapter 3, “Functions.”

A DATAFMT structure is defined as follows:

                     CT_DATAFMT  used for client/server API calls
 typedef struct _ct_datafmt {
             CS_CHAR name[CS_MAX_NAME]; /* name of the column/parm     */
             CS_INT  namelen;           /* actual length of the name   */
             CS_INT  datatype;          /* hostvar datatype            */
             CS_INT  format;            /* Pad or \0 terminate Bin/Char*/
             CS_INT  maxlength;         /* max length the data might be*/
             CS_INT  scale;             /* NUMERIC: scale value (only) */
             CS_INT  precision;         /* NUMERIC: precision value    */
             CS_INT  status;            /* datum status (key, ret parm)*/
             CS_INT  count;             /* BIND: how many rows to bind */
             CS_INT  usertype;          /* user defined datatype (UDT) */
             CS_LOCALE *locale;         /* localization struct pointer */
                    } CS_DATAFMT;

Table 2-3 describes fields in the DATAFMT structure.

Table 2-3: Fields in the DATAFMT structure



Used by


The name of the data item.

ct_describe ct_param


The length of name.

ct_describe ct_param


The datatype of the data. See the specific call to find which data this refers to.

cs_convert ct_bind ct_describe ct_param


The format of the data, represented by symbolic values.



The maximum length of the data.

cs_convert ct_bind ct_describe ct_param


The number of digits in the decimal part of a number. This field is used with packed decimal, numeric and Sybase-decimal.

cs_convert ct_bind


The total number of digits in a number. This field is used with packed decimal, numeric and Sybase-decimal.

cs_convert ct_bind


Status values.

ct_describe ct_param


The number of items.

ct_bind ct_describe


The user-defined datatype (UDT) of retrieved data. The UDT is assigned by the server.

ct_describe ct_param


Reserved for future use.

cs_convert ct_bind ct_describe ct_param

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Datatypes

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