Implementation notes  Working with datatypes

Chapter 2: Programming Information

Updating a database from a result set of a stored procedure

jConnect includes update and delete methods that allow you to get a cursor on the result set returned by a stored procedure. You can then use the cursor’s position to update or delete rows in the underlying table that provided the result set. The methods are in SybCursorResultSet:

void updateRow(String tableName) throws SQLException;
void deleteRow(String tableName) throws SQLException;

The tableName parameter identifies the database table that provided the result set.

To get a cursor on the result set returned by a stored procedure, you need to use either SybCallableStatement.setCursorName( ) or SybCallableStatement.setFetchSize( ) before you execute the callable statement that contains the procedure. The following example shows how to create a cursor on the result set of a stored procedure, update values in the result set, and then update the underlying table using the SybCursorResultSet.update( ) method:

// Create a CallableStatement object for executing the stored 
// procedure. 
CallableStatement sproc_stmt = 
   conn.prepareCall("{call update_titles}");
// Set the number of rows to be returned from the database with
// each fetch. This creates a cursor on the result set.
//Execute the stored procedure and get a result set from it.
SybCursorResultSet sproc_result = (SybCursorResultSet) 
// Move through the result set row by row, updating values in the
// cursor’s current row and updating the underlying titles table
// with the modified row values. 

Copyright © 2003. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Working with datatypes

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