Overview  Configuring Open Client

Chapter 5: Configuring Open Client and ODBC for EAServer

Configuring ODBC

This section provides additional information on configuring ODBC data sources using the drivers installed with EAServer. The drivers are installed in the intersolv subdirectory of your EAServer installation. The Merant driver documentation is available in your EAServer installation in Adobe Acrobat format, as file intersolv/doc/odbchelp.pdf.

Using ODBC to connect to ASA

The Adaptive Server Anywhere installation included with EAServer includes an ODBC driver to connect to Adaptive Server Anywhere databases. For example, to connect to the jagdemo sample database, specify the absolute path to the ASA ODBC driver in the data source’s driver entry of the $JAGUAR/intersolv/odbc.ini file. For example, if you installed EAServer in the /work/EAS/EAServer directory, you would enter the following text in the odbc.ini file’s [Jaguar SVU Sample] section:


Use the Jaguar SVU Sample data source in ODBC connections or connection caches.

Using ODBC to connect to Sybase databases

The ODBC installation includes drivers for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise version 11.x and later. Use the SYsyb114.so driver and provide the full path when creating entries in the odbc.ini file. For example, if you installed EAServer in the /work/EAS/EAServer directory, this entry defines a data source named testdb_ds that connects to a server named testdb:


The server testdb must be defined in the EAServer interfaces file, using the syntax described in “Add server definitions to the interfaces file”. For example, if the database runs on machine “ops1” using port 2124:

	master tcp ether ops1 2124
	query tcp ether ops1 2124

Additionally, you must configure the EAServer environment to use the Open Client libraries as described below.

Using ODBC from other client applications

If you have an ODBC client that uses the ODBC driver manager shipped with EAServer, make sure that the client sets the ODBCINI environment variable to the odbc.ini file—otherwise, the driver manager gets the data source entries from the $HOME/odbc.ini file, if one exists.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring Open Client

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