Classes, structures, delegates, and enumerations in the Sybase.DataWindow namespace


In addition to the main classes and interfaces illustrated in Figure 1-2, there are numerous other classes, including:

See “Getting a list of DataWindow objects in a library”.


There are four structures:


Delegates handle each of the events that can occur in a DataWindow application, such as the BeginRetrieve event and the ButtonClicked event. For example, the delegate for the ButtonClicked event is ButtonClickedEventHandler.


Enumerations are used to specify values such as the actions to be taken in specific events, the style to be used for borders, symbols, and lines, and the status of a row or a data item.

Quick reference

To view or print a quick reference to all the classes, interfaces, structures, delegates, and enumerations in the Sybase.DataWindow namespace, go to the Sybase.DataWindow Namespace page in the DataWindow Reference help. For how to install this help, see “Getting context-sensitive help”.