Product editions and license types

You can define various product installation and license types by defining the Sybase software asset management product edition and license type. Table 3-1 lists allowable values.

Table 3-1: product editions and license types



-V Variable_CBEASSySAMEdition

Specifies the product edition:

“Advanced Edition”
“Workgroup Edition”
“Developer Edition”

-V Variable_CBEASSySAMType

If you are using a license server, include the Sybase Software Asset Management product edition and license type. To modify the product edition and license type, use these values when setting -V Variable_CBEASSySAMEdition=:

“Application Deployment CPU License (AC)”
“Application Deployment Other License (AO)”
“Application Deployment Standby CPU License (BC)”
“CPU License (CP)”
“Development and Testing License (DT)”
“Other License (OT)”
“Standby CPU License (SF)”
“Server License (SR)”
“Standalone Seat License (SS)”