Replication system components

This section describes the components and resources that must be present or assembled before you can run Replication Server. Components in a Replication Server environment can include:

Each component uses the Open Client/Server Interface to communicate with other components.

Figure 2-1 illustrates a simple configuration for a WAN-based distributed database system based on Replication Server.

Figure 2-1: Replication Server Domain

Figure 2-1 illustrates a simple configuration for a wan based distributed database system based on Replication Server. It shows a primary and a replicate site. Each site contains a client application, a primary and replicate data server, a primary and replicate Replication Server, an R M plug dash in to Sybase Central in the primary site, and R M S in the replicate site. Data is transferred to the replicate site through wan. In the replicate site, the client applications use the data server to store and retrieve data and to process transactions and queries. The Replication Server coordinates data replication activities for local databases and exchange data with the Replication Server that manage data in the replicate site. The R M plug dash in in the primary site connects to the replicate Replication Server through R M S.