Parameters for controlling identity gaps

Adaptive Server provides parameters that allow you to control gaps in identity numbers as described in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3: Parameters for controlling identity gaps

Parameter Name


Used with




create table or select into

Creates ID number blocks of a specific size for a specific table. Overrides identity burning set factor for the table. Works with identity grab size.

identity burning set factor



Indicates a percentage of the total available ID numbers you want to have allocated for each block. Works with identity grab size. If the identity_gap for a table is set to 1 or higher, identity burning set factor has no effect on that table. The burning set factor is used for all tables for which identity_gap is set to 0.

When you set identity burning set factor, you express the number in decimal form, and then multiply it by 10,000,000 (107 ) to get the correct value to use with sp_configure. For example, to release 15 percent (.15) of the potential IDENTITY column values at one time, you specify a value of .15 times 107 (or 1,500,000):

sp_configure "identity burning set factor", 1500000

identity grab size



Reserves a block of contiguous ID numbers for each process. Works with identity burning set factor and identity_gap.