Starting the Apache Web server

If you are starting the Web server from the command line, add WEB_SERVER_HOME/modules to the PATH environment variable from the command line before starting the Web server.

StepsVerifying that the redirector plug-in works correctly

  1. Verify that all the required libraries have been copied to the libexec subdirectory of the Apache installation directory.

  2. Verify that the conn_config file exists in the Apache configuration directory.

  3. Verify that the Connector.WebApp directive is set correctly in the conn_config file. For example:

    Connector.WebApp /* = http://hostname:8000

    where hostname is the machine name where EAServer is installed, and 8000 is the EAServer HTTP port number, and “/*” appears immediately after Connector.WebApp.

  4. Start the Web server. If it starts successfully, a disclaimer is displayed to the screen and written to the log file (/testarea/apache/logs/error_log).

  5. Start EAServer on the host you specified in the conn_config file and from a Web browser, connect to the Web server’s default page.The redirector plug-in should redirect your request to the EAServer home page. This is the hostname:port_number set in the Connector.WebApp directive in the conn_config file.