Running the server plug-in

After you install and configure the server plug-in, start your application server:

  1. WebLogic only: verify that %PB_SERVER_HOME%\lib\pb-server-15.jar is in either the CLASSPATH or a location that is shared by all the deployed applications in the JVM.

  2. Start your application server.

    The configuration task creates the script start-<appServer>.bat, which you use to start the application server with the plug-in. Consult your application server administrator to determine the best start-up options, and add them to the script if necessary.

    The configuration task also creates run-<appServer>.bat, which defines the environment variables that are required to run the server plug-in. start-<appServer>.bat calls run-<appServer>.bat.

StepsStarting a JBoss application server

  1. Run:


StepsStarting a WebLogic application server

  1. Run:


    The first time you start the server:

    1. Use the WebLogic console to define a start-up class called com.sybase.pb.server.PbServerStart.

    2. Shut down, then restart the server.

StepsStarting a WebSphere application server

  1. Run:


    The first time you start the server:

    1. Use the WebSphere administration console to enable the Start-up Beans service.

    2. Deploy the PowerBuilder start-up service: %PB_SERVER_HOME%\deploy\websphere\pb-startup.jar.

    3. Shut down, then restart the server.