About DataWindow .NET

DataWindow .NET components

DataWindow .NET includes the following components:

SQL Anywhere

DataWindow .NET also includes SQL Anywhere 10.0. SQL Anywhere is a relational database-management system. It is required if you want to use the sample DataWindow object library and demo database installed with DataWindow Designer and the DataWindow .NET samples.For more information about SQL Anywhere, see “Installing SQL Anywhere”.

DataWindow .NET CDs

DataWindow .NET 2.5 includes the CDs listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: DataWindow .NET 2.5 CD contents



Getting Started

Global License Agreement, Customer Services Reference Guide, Sybooks Installation Guide, DataWindow .NET Release Bulletin, this Installation Guide, and the DataWindow .NET Documentation Offer order card. Load this CD first.

DataWindow .NET

Setup program for DataWindow .NET 2.5, DataWindow Designer 2.5, the DataWindow Reference 2.5, and SQL Anywhere 10.0.

DataWindow .NET Technical Library

Documentation for DataWindow .NET in HTML-based and PDF formats. For more information, see “Other sources of information”.