Specifying the series

Graphs can have one or more series.

Single-series graphs

If you want only one series (that is, if you want to graph all retrieved rows as one series of values), leave the Series box empty.

Multiple-series graphs

If you want to graph more than one series, set the DataSeriesOnOff property to true and specify the column that will provide the series values. You can select column names from the DataSeries drop-down list.

There is a set of data points for each different value of the column you specify here. For example, if you specify a column that has 10 values, then your graph will have 10 series: one set of data points for each different value of the column.

Specifying multiple entries

You can specify more than one of the retrieved columns to serve as series. Separate multiple entries by commas.

You must specify the same number of entries in the DataValues box as you do in the DataSeries box. The first value in the DataValues box corresponds to the first series identified in the DataSeries box, the second value corresponds to the second series, and so on. The example about graphing actual and projected sales in “Examples” illustrates this technique.