Setting Update Properties

The properties that you edit vary depending on whether you are using your Update operator in mapped parameter mode or in batch mode.

Follow the steps below as appropriate for your mode.
  1. Double-click an Update operator. The Update Properties dialog appears.
  2. (Optional) Edit the Name and Description for this operator.
  3. Click Browse and navigate to the database operation you want to execute. Categories/ViewLibrary/DatabaseServices contains folders named for database connectors; within each database connector folder are the database operations that use that database connector. The Update operator executes a database operation defined in your Sybase Data Federation domain. The operation you choose must have been defined with the “Modifies Database” option set to “Yes” in order for it to work in an Update operator. (When you use WorkSpace Data Federation to create or modify the database operation, the option is a checkbox labelled “Operation modifies the database”.)
  4. Click OK to save your selection and return to the Update Properties dialog.
  5. (Optional) If you have already chosen a database operation, but you have changed its schema or parameters, you can click Refresh Schema Source to refresh your Update operator.
  6. (Optional) If you’re using your Update operator in mapped parameter mode, you must map its parameters. (If you are using batch mode, you don’t need to explicitly map parameters, but the input schema must match the parameter types.) Alternatively, you can route any flow whose result set matches the parameters of the database operation as an input to the Update operator. You configure parameter mappings for an Update operator similarly to the way you do for an Input Source element.
  7. Click Edit Values. The Parameter Properties dialog appears.
  8. To map a parameter, click in the Value column to make it editable. Type your mapping expression directly in the table cell. You can click the ... button to open the Edit Expression dialog if you need more room than the table cell provides. Right click (either in the table cell directly or in the Edit Expression dialog) to show a context-sensitive menu of column names, variables, and functions that you can paste into the Expression field.
  9. Specify the output. The output of the Update operator can be either of the following:
    • Pass input schema through to next operator:

      The input result set is passed directly on to the downstream operator. This option is only applicable if an input source is connected to the Update operator (that is, in batch mode).

    • Use update count from database operation:

      The output result set will consist of a single row containing a single INTEGER column named UPDATE_COUNT.

  10. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.
Related concepts
Expressions Menu
Related tasks
Mapping Input Source Parameters to Global Parameters
Related reference
Properties Dialog Field Descriptions

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