Setting Group By Properties

To configure a Group By operator you specify groups, specify aggregate columns, and (optionally) edit general properties.

  1. Double-click a Group By operator. The Group By Properties dialog appears, with tabs for group-by columns and aggregate columns.
  2. (Optional) Edit the name and description of the operator.
  3. On the Group By Columns tab of the properties dialog, list the columns from the input that this Group By operator will use to group the incoming rows.
  4. (Optional) Edit the column definitions.
    Action Instructions
    Add column Click Add.
    Delete column Select one or more columns (which are represented by rows in the properties dialog), then click Delete.
    Reorder columns Select one or more columns, then click Move Up or Move Down. (To move multiple columns, the selection must be contiguous.)
  5. On the Aggregate Columns tab, specify aggregate columns.
  6. Click OK to save the information and close the dialog.
Related concepts
Expressions Menu
Performance of Sort-Based Operators in View Models
Related reference
Properties Dialog Field Descriptions
Aggregate Functions

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