WorkSpace Data Federation provides a selection of elements and operators you can use to manipulate data in a view model.
Two important elements identify the beginnings and the end of the flow in a view model:
Use Input Source elements to specify where the data for your view model comes from, such as existing data services (deployed view models), database operations, or grid files. A view model can have zero or more input sources.
WorkSpace Data Federation puts a Result element at the end of each view model’s data flow. A view model has one result.
These operators let you perform SQL-style operations:
Given one input result set and a Boolean where expression, Select produces a new result set containing the input rows for which the where expression evaluates to true.
Projection lets you modify the schema—you can remove columns, add computed columns, or apply formulas to alter existing column values.
Given one input result set and your specification of which column(s) to sort on and whether to sort in ascending or descending order, Order By produces a new result set in which the content of the input is sorted.
WorkSpace Data Federation provides a number of predefined aggregation functions (including sum, count, average, minimum, and maximum). Given one input result set, Aggregate produces a new, single-row result set by applying aggregate functions to the input.
Group By uses the same aggregation functions used in Aggregate. Given one input result set, Group By applies aggregate functions to the input and groups the rows in the result set according to input columns you specify.
Given two input result sets that share a common column, Join combines rows and produces a new result set. Join supports Inner, Outer-left, Outer-right, and Outer-full join types, as well as three join algorithms: Sort Merge Join, Hash Join, and Nested Loop Join.
Given two input result sets with identical schemas, Union generates a single result set that includes everything in both inputs.
Given two input result sets with identical schemas, Intersection generates a result set containing only rows that are present in both inputs.
Additional operators let you perform more powerful manipulations:
Given up to five inputs and a conditional expression for each, Multiplexer generates a result set in which all the input result sets whose conditional expressions evaluate to true are concatenated. You can use Multiplexer to select from among several choices and to concatenate the selected result sets into a single result set.
Iterator executes its primary input repeatedly; the number of iterations is determined by an input parameter or by an optional secondary input. For example, you can perform a computation once for every date in a range, or get account numbers and balances for every social security number in a list. You can also specify a condition to terminate the iteration. Iterations may be nested.
Given one input result set, Splitter routes input to multiple, identical output result sets without necessarily recomputing its input. It can also cache its output.
Generator creates a new result set based on JavaScript expressions and a schema that you supply.
Using a database operation, Update inserts data into an external database. Each update is a transaction separate from the data service itself.
Using JavaScript logic that you supply, Custom performs an operation of your design.
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