The Data Federation Functions submenu provides utility functions that you can use in your expressions. It contains several functions you can use to retrieve values from result sets as well as functions to add logic about who the current user is.
The utility functions in the Data Federation Functions submenu that operate on result sets automatically deal with the case where the column value is null. Each function takes two parameters:
The ResultSet object from which you want to extract the data, and
The column whose data you want. You can specify the column using either a 1-based integer index or a string containing its name.
The result set accessor functions are
WorkSpace Data Federation also provides two functions that can be used to check (and therefore apply conditional logic based on) the identity of the user running the data service deployed from a view model. You can find out:
You can use these functions, for example, to limit access to certain rows of data based on the user’s membership in a certain group. The functions both require the Data Federation domain name, and the name and type of the user’s authentication service. (The default service is called DefaultAuthService; the valid types are Grid, Ldap, and Nis.)
The is function also takes the username you want to check for, and the isMemberOf function takes the name of the group you want to check against.
The current user methods are
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