If an application or end user needs data in the form of a flat file (in comma-separated values (CSV), HTML, XML, or another format), you can create a view generator to meet this need.
In many situations, the ultimate consumer of data is an application or end user who needs the data as a flat file in CSV, HTML, or XML format. That function is fulfilled by views.
Data Federation views consist of two parts: the view generator and the generated view, which is the file that results from view processing. When you configure a view generator, you name an input source and specify the parameters that the input source requires, as well as where in the data catalog you want the generated output to appear. Configure the transformation to be performed. By default, Data Federation can pass through the results of the input and generate a CSV file or an HTML page. If you need customized processing, you can specify an XSLT style sheet to transform the input if it is XML or rowset data. (Data Federation converts rowset data to XML on the fly.)
Views can take input from files (including other views), data services, and database operations.
When generated view files are unused for a certain period, they are discarded.
You can configure views to issue update notifications whenever they are regenerated. Update notifications allow the regeneration of one view to trigger the update of another.
In the default access control scheme, views must be configured by members of the DataProviders group.
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