Sybase Data Federation simplifies data access by providing one unified data layer with a single data catalog.
Applications, application developers, and end users all need access to accurate, consistent, and current data to do their jobs. Applications need data to fuel business processes and provide information to decision-makers. Application developers need to integrate data into their applications. Knowledge workers need access to data to make decisions.
Developers and integrators spend hours finding or managing data, and hours writing code to integrate, aggregate, and transform data from multiple sources around the organization. With easy access to data, this time could be spent more productively. For developers this means simple, industry-standard APIs that provide data in the form needed by applications.
Users and developers do not need to know where data is physically located. They can search in one central location—the data catalog—to find the data they need.
Applications reference data by catalog entry, which means that data locations need not be hard-coded. References to catalog entries are resolved dynamically at runtime.
Data is available using a number of protocols and interfaces so users and applications can use the means that is most appropriate.
Applications use one standard set of interfaces for accessing data (one JDBC driver, for example), regardless of the specifics of the data source.
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