Device Application Designer Appearance Preferences

Set the appearance preferences for Device Application Designer pages, containers, and controls.

Device Application Designer page preferences

Set the preferences for the appearance of the Device Application Designer pages and Palette groupings.

Section Description
Device Application Designer Pages Select the pages you want to view in the Device Application Designer editor during the development process.
  • Show the Introduction Page – by default this is selected. Unselect to hide the Introduction page.
  • Show the Source Page – select to show the Source page in the editor.
Flow Design Page Use these options to configure the Grid, Geometry options, and so on in the Flow Design page:
  • Grid – select to display the grid in the Flow Design page.
  • Snap to Geometry – select to show the lines of geometry for aligning objects in the Flow Design page.
  • Show the Connection Type – unselect to remove the name from the connection link line; you may want to do this to clear clutter from flows with a lot of connections. The connections remain color-coded, and the tooltip on the line describes the connection type.
  • Route Connection Directly – this style is used by default and shows the connection line directly. If you unselect this option, a "Manhattan" style of routing is used, which has limitations if there are many connections in the flow design.
Palette Grouping Use this option to specify how objects in the Flow Design and Screen Design Palettes appear:
  • Flow Design
    • Screens
    • Stock Screens
    • Alerts
    • Connections
  • Screen Design
    • Controls
    • Containers
    • Menus
    • Actions

Device Application Designer Containers

Set the preferences for the appearance of the Device Application Designer containers.

Container Preferences
  • Number of Columns – the number of columns in the display.
  • Assign Percentages – the width of each column in the display.
  • Horizontal Alignment – select the horizontal alignment of the display:
    • Inheritance – the control inherits the properties that are set for the container in which it is contained. If it is not in a container, it inherits the properties set in the Display.
    • Left – left-justified alignment.
    • Center – centered alignment.
    • Right – right-justified alignment.
  • Style – select the style for the display.

Radio Group

  • Number of Columns – the number of columns in a region or radio group. You can have 1 – 3 columns. The default is 1 column.
  • Assign Percentages – the width of each column in the region or radio group, in percentages. The defaults are:
    • 1 Column – 100%.
    • 2 Columns – 35% for the first column, 65% for the second column.
    • 3 Columns – 33% for the first column, 34% for the second column, and 33% for the third column.
  • Span
    • Horizontal – select the number of columns the region or radio group will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.
    • Vertical – enter the number of rows the region or radio group will occupy.
List Group Span
  • Horizontal – enter the number of columns the list group will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display.
  • Vertical – enter the number of rows the list group will occupy.
Tab Folder
  • Active Tab Style – select the style for the active tab.
  • Inactive Tab Style – select the style for the inactive tab.
  • Tab Border Style – select the style for the tab border.
Tab Panel
  • Number of Columns – select the number of columns the tab panel will occupy.
  • Assign Percentages – the width of each tab panel, in percentages. The defaults are:
    • 1 Column – 100%.
    • 2 Columns – 35% for the first column, 65% for the second column.
    • 3 Columns – 33% for the first column, 34% for the second column, and 33% for the third column.

Device Appliction Designer Controls

Set the preferences for the appearance of the Device Application Designer controls.

Control Preferences
  • Wrap to Multiple Lines – select to truncate and wrap text that is too long to fit on one line to multiple lines.
  • Style – select the label style from the drop-down menu.
  • Span
    • Horizontal – select the number of columns the widget will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.
    • Vertical – enter the number of rows the widget will occupy.
  • Alignment
    • Horizontal
      • Inheritance – the control inherits the properties that are set for the container in which it is contained. If it is not in a container, it inherits the properties set in the Display.
      • Left – left-justified alignment.
      • Center – centered alignment.
      • Right – right-justified alignment.
    • Vertical
      • Top – positions the control at the top of the span.
      • Center– positions the control in the center of the span.
      • Bottom – positions the control at the bottom of the span.
Edit Box
  • Show Border – select to show the edit box border on the device.
  • Empty String Means Null – when this option is selected a null value is passed to the server if the user leaves the input field empty. Some backend systems require this behavior.
    Note: This option is enabled only for the STRING data type.
  • Style – select the edit box style.
  • Span
    • Horizontal – select the number of columns the edit box will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.
    • Vertical – enter the number of rows the edit box will occupy.
  • Style – select the style for the choice widget.
  • Span
    • Horizontal – select the number of columns the choice widget will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.
    • Vertical – enter the number of rows the choice widget will occupy.
  • Activate as Rich Input on the Device – select to use rich input on the device.
  • Focus Style – select the style for the hyperlink when it is the object of focus.
  • Unfocus Style – select the style for the hyperlink when it is not the object of focus.
  • Span
    • Horizontal – select the number of columns the hyperlink will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.
    • Vertical – enter the number of rows the hyperlink will occupy.
  • Alignment


    • Inheritance – the control inherits whatever properties are set for the container in which it is contained. If it is not in a container, it inherits the properties set in the Display.
    • Left – left-justified alignment.
    • Center – centered alignment.
    • Right – right-justified alignment.


    • Top – positions the control at the top of the span.
    • Center– positions the control in the center of the span.
    • Bottom – positions the control at the bottom of the span.
Check box

Radio Button

  • Style – select the style for the check box or radio button.
  • Span
    • Horizontal – select the number of columns the check box or radio button will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.
    • Vertical – enter the number of rows the check box or radio button will occupy.
  • Alignment


    • Inheritance – the control inherits the properties that are set for the container in which it is contained. If it is not in a container, it inherits the properties set in the Display.
    • Left – left-justified alignment.
    • Center – centered alignment.
    • Right – right-justified alignment.


    • Top – positions the control at the top of the span.
    • Center – positions the control in the center of the span.
    • Bottom – positions the control at the bottom of the span.
List Item
  • Focus Style – select the style for the list item when it is the object in focus.
  • Unfocus Style – select the style for the list item when it is not the object of focus.
  • Focus Style – select the style for the button when it is in focus.
  • Unfocus Style – select the style for the button when it is not in focus.
  • Span
    • Horizontal – select the number of columns the button will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.
    • Vertical – enter the number of rows the button will occupy.
  • Alignment


    • Inheritance – the control inherits whatever properties are set for the container in which it is contained. If it is not in a container, it inherits the properties set in the Display.
    • Left – left-justified alignment.
    • Center – centered alignment.
    • Right – right-justified alignment.


    • Top – positions the control at the top of the span.
    • Center– positions the control in the center of the span.
    • Bottom – positions the control at the bottom of the span.


  • Show Spacing Occupied – select if you want the image to completely fill the region of the display it occupies.
  • Span
    • Horizontal – select the number of columns the image or spacer will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.
    • Vertical – enter the number or rows the image or spacer will occupy.
  • Separator Thickness – select the thickness of the separator line, in pixels.
  • Style – select the style for the separator.
  • Horizontal Span – select the number of columns the separator will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the screen display. Select All to set the horizontal span across the display.

Select styles for:

  • Header Style
  • Odd Row Style
  • Even Row Style
  • Pending Style
  • Border Style
  • Focus Style
  • Sort Menu – select for the ability to sort on columns in the table and enter a name for the sort menu label.
  • Paging – select to enable paging on the record data in the column.
    • Start Paging Record Number – enter the number of records the table should contain before it starts paging.
  • Paging Record Size – enter the number of records to store in the table page.
  • Number of Pages to Cache – enter the number of table pages to cache in memory.
List Detail Select the styles for:
  • Odd Row Style
  • Even Row Style
  • Pending Style
  • Border Style
  • Focus Style
  • Assign Percentages – the width of each column in the list detail, in percentages. The defaults are 35% for the first column and 65% for the second column
  • Horizontal Alignment – choose the horizontal alignment for the columns:
    • Inheritance – the control inherits whatever properties are set for the container in which it is contained. If it is not in a container, it inherits the properties set in the Display.
    • Left – left-justified alignment.
    • Center – centered alignment.
    • Right – right-justified alignment.
  • Use Hot Keys – select to allow users to customize hot keys for Previous and Next operations. You can select hot keys from characters a through z. The defaults are p and n, for Previous and Next, respectively.
  • Show Previous and Next Options in Menu – display Previous and Next operations in the device menu. By default this option is selected. These menu options display dynamically at runtime on the device.
  • Previous Menu Label – the label of the Previous menu. The menu label appears only when the Previous menu is shown dynamically at runtime on the device.
  • Next Menu Label – the label of the Next menu. The menu label appears only when the Next menu is shown dynamically at runtime on the device
Related reference
Device Application Designer Preferences
Device Application Designer Device Preferences
Device Application Designer Error and Warning Preferences
Device Application Designer Font Mappings Preferences
Device Application Designer Preferences
Device Application Designer Device Preferences
Device Application Designer Error and Warning Preferences
Device Application Designer Font Mappings Preferences

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: