Troubleshooting Mobile Business Object Operation Datatype Mappings

Problem: When creating an operation for a mobile business object from the Mobile Application Diagram, parameter datatypes (int, decimal, image, and so on) are mapped to strings.

Solution: If operation parameter datatypes are mapped incorrectly, change the datatype mappings in the Properties view.

  1. From the Mobile Application Diagram double-click the operation to display it in the Properties View.
  2. Select the Parameters tab.
  3. Modify the datatype by selecting it from the drop-down list of the first Datatype column to match that of the second Datatype column.
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Related reference
Troubleshooting Previewing of a Database Mobile Business Object
Troubleshooting Mobile Business Object Attributes
Troubleshooting Database Mobile Business Object Errors
Troubleshooting Web Service Mobile Business Object Errors
Troubleshooting File Mobile Business Object Errors

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: